Representing and promoting the community of Cramond, Barnton and Cammo in Edinburgh and safeguarding its heritage
Who We Are

About Us

The Cramond Association is a thriving community organisation representing everyone living in Cramond, Barnton and Cammo. We are a membership body dedicated to encouraging more people to take an active interest in the local area and to ensure the preservation, development and improvement of both its environment and people, for the benefit of all.

We have a direct involvement in many issues of local importance - such as the reopening of the Cramond Inn, the future of the Cramond Campus site, the continued monitoring of airport noise and development - as well as managing a packed programme of public meetings and events.

Investment Model

For the coming season, we are changing the way we manage ourselves.  Rather than continuing with a traditional committee structure, we are becoming more of an Action Group which will use its funds to help a range of local community projects get off the ground and flourish.  Dependent on the amount of membership fees we can generate, we intend to support up to five projects each year, with grants available of up to £2500 each.  To qualify for grant funding, each project leader must be a member of the Cramond Association along with at least five team members. Each project leader will report to our monthly Action Group meeting, as well as presenting an annual talk at one of our public / member meetings.

Programme & activities

We will continue to deliver a vibrant programme of activities - including our monthly talks, newsletters and campaigns, as well as investing and highlighting our local projects. For the coming season, our plans include amongst others, a social visit to the Cramond Inn, continued support for the Woodlands Group and the Walled Garden as well as campaigns and updates relating to the Cramond Campus, airport and bus services.  We are also looking at how the foreshore is managed, the future of the Barnton shops, how we can help brighten up the new housing in Cammo,  as well as rolling out flower-planting projects across the local area. And supporting the History Section and the Cramond Panto too!

Current Projects & Campaigns



Woodland Group Catriona Bruce
History Section Norah Carlin
Cramond Inn Gordon Smith
Cramond Campus Michael Ramsay
Edinburgh Airport Liaison Adam Cumming
Cramond Drama Yves Foulis
Action Group Coordinator Richard Bright
Treasurer Jenny Purcell

For more information, contact